Ganganagar Public School is a full-fledged English medium school for boys and girls from Nursery to class XII. Together with academic excellence it completes the satisfaction of the students as well their parents. Ganganagar Public School excelled in many competitive exams at all India levels and pursued higher studies in professional courses.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Today, children in India are growing up in a more challenging and demanding environment. The rate of change in every sphere is rapid with the enhanced knowledge exchange and technology development, the world is going flattered.
Globalization demands a new dimension to our approach to education. We, thus have to recognize the need for globally relevant education. Such an education would mean imparting skills that would develop mental agility in individuals to confidently interact and work in diverse environs or situations. The school curriculum is oriented such that students embody self-confidence and a ‘box thought process. In all our endeavors, the focus is to strengthen the competencies needed to be autonomous, lifelong learners. We make concerted efforts for the holistic development of the students who enter the school portals. A wide range of multi-dimensional activities is organized which go a long way in propelling a self-belief, confidence in decision making and problem-solving along with chiseling of soft skills.